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Which is best - Freight Prepaid or Freight Collect?
When entering a contract with a supplier or buyer, at some point in the negotiation, an agreement will need to be made as to who is...

So, what do you know about Inco-terms?
The most common response I get – “what’s that”? Perhaps you’re reading this and thinking yes, that’s me or yes, I’ve heard the word...

Wood packaging
As a contracting partner to the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), New Zealand uses an international standard for wood...

What is an Approved Transitional Facility?
New Zealand law requires that all sea freight containers imported in to the country (either full or empty) must be taken to an approved...

How to consign a Master Air Waybill to March Logistics
For air freight shipments to any airport in New Zealand and consigned to March Logistics, please address the Master Air Waybill (MAWB) as...

Incoterms explained: Free Carrier (named place of delivery) – FCA
The FCA term can be used for any mode of transport and requires the seller to deliver the goods in the country of origin, cleared for...

Incoterms explained: Ex Works (named place of loading) – EXW
The Ex Works term can be used for any mode of transport and places the maximum obligation on the buyer of the goods to arrange...
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